Sunday, April 4, 2010

In 1960, when I was 17, I joined the Unites State Air Force. Kennedy was elected that year and if I had been old enough I would have voted for him. He appeared young and hip with funky hair, but a cool accent and exuded youthful vigor. He made Nixon look like a tired old man, who was out of touch with current affairs. In 1962, Kennedy and his Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara screwed the military royally with a phony pay raise. At the time, I got base pay, overseas pay and proficiency pay. Kennedy and McNamara made a big deal out of a "huge" pay raise for those in uniform. What they did not say was that the overseas pay and proficiency pay was taken away. I ended up losing a dollar a month. Some pay raise. It was then, that it dawned on me that Kennedy and McNamara didn't give a shit about me or anyone else in uniform. They just wanted to look good and get re-elected. I guess I became a republican that day.

So, I have been watching politics in this country with a keen interest for the last 50 years and I still cannot understand why democrats want socialism so badly. Is it because they have no faith in capitalism or no faith in the common sense of the people or because they see it as way to buy votes and stay in power or do they really believe the government can do things better than free enterprise? Or is it all of the above?

I really don't know the answer to those questions, but my gut feeling is that people who vote for democrats would rather be given a fish every day than learn how to fish. They would willingly give up freedom for security. I think they also have a high tolerance for being told what they ought to think and they don't mind standing in lines. Which reminds me of an old army story. The master sergeant announced his pending retirement to a corporal, who he loved to brow beat and said, "Well, I suppose you're going to keep track of my whereabouts, so when I die, you can come piss on my grave." To which the corporal replied, "No Sarge, when I get out of the army, I'm never going to stand in line again."

I find it rather fascinating that liberals, progressives or democrats demand their rights to privacy, which include abortions, same sex marriages, gays in the military, and now health insurance, but have no trouble with the government telling us what kind of gas mileage our cars must get, how much water we can use to flush a toilet, and what can and cannot be taught in schools. Seems kinda contradictory to me. Common sense tells me you're either for privacy and individuality or you are not.

At any rate, I see the U.S. reaching a point very soon where 90 plus percent of the tax revenues will be used for interest on our debt (no chance of paying down the principal) and social programs. That will leave so little for defense and research that we will give up our space program, vastly reduce our military and become just another nanny country like those in Europe. When that happens, the Chinese will be the last super power standing. But, maybe that's ok. I don't think the Chinese will be of a mind to read a terrorists his Miranda rights.

And that's how I feel today,


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